To shape the future of Canada’s infrastructure and services by delivering value to Canadians through public-private partnerships (P3s).
The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships is committed to the advancement of public-private partnership models through:
The Council will advocate for procurement models to deliver infrastructure and services to Canadians that provide efficient solutions to public sector objectives, provide value to taxpayers, and encompass each of the following four essential attributes of most effective P3s:
The Council will first and foremost support the long-term alignment of incentives through the inclusion of private capital, given its demonstrated effectiveness as a tool to achieve desired outcomes. It will also continue to work with the broader partnership-model community to advance areas of common interest.
In the 1990s, a group of innovating pioneers brought the public-private partnership (P3) model to Canada, eager to replicate successes in the United Kingdom and Australia but with a Maple Leaf twist.
Over the past three decades, the model has adapted to the Canadian landscape, meeting new challenges and opportunities as more governments use it for a variety of different asset classes, while keeping true to its core charateristics. Dozens of hospitals, highways, courthouses, bridges, transit systems, schools, water/wastewater plants are among the more than 300 P3 projects delivering services in our communities.
This 'made in Canada model' enjoys an enviable global reputation, with others eager to learn from our experiences and adopt our best practices. But new challenges, new assets & new opportunities means the P3 model is continuing its evolution to serve Canadians better.
Virtually all major players in the infrastructure sector are members of the Council. They represent public sector owners and the leading construction, engineering, legal, advisory firms, banks and financiers, and operators and facilities maintenance firms working hard to build Canada’s much needed public infrastructure.
While the Council is focused on how P3s can help deliver Canada’s important infrastructure and services, our members are involved in supporting governments in a variety of infrastructure procurement models, including: