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Make national and global connections with CCPPP. Use your membership to meet with fellow infrastructure leaders, develop and promote your expertise & advocate on the issues you care about most
Become a CCPPP Member

Become a CCPPP Member

As the voice of Canada's infrastructure community, the Council offers unique networking opportunities, industry insights gleaned from important research & thought leadership opportunities, while advocating for the sector and promoting the use of public-private partnerships. Amplify the voice of your organization with membership.

To learn more about joining our network, please contact Adam Straker, our Director of Sponsorship and Member Services, via our contact form below.

Become a CCPPP Member

Attend P3 2024

Make your mark this fall at P3 2024, one of the world’s most influential conferences focused on growing and improving public-private partnerships (P3s). 

On November 4 & 5, CCPPP is creating new opportunities for you — the leaders, policy influencers and experts in the field — to explore challenges and opportunities, investigate new approaches and reinvigorate core principles. Together, we’ll help drive a renewed sense of collaboration in the infrastructure sector.

Become a Sponsor

Eager to create brand awareness in the Canadian markeplace and reach industry and government decision-makers involved in public-private partnerships? Look no further!

The Council is the only organization in Canada where all aspects of infrastructure delivery are represented, and both experts in the public and private sector are members.

We offer a variety of thought leadership or branding opportunities at reasonable price points. We're also open to working with you to create bespoke experiences that meet the needs of your organization, from specialized invite-only round tables to high-profile events that attract hundreds of industry insiders.

Get noticed and expand your network of possibilities! Reach out today to speak with Adam Straker, our Director of Sponsorship and Member Services.

Help Craft our New Municipal Strategy

Canada’s municipalities own and operate the majority of Canada’s public infrastructure, including roads and bridges, public transit, and water and wastewater systems.

In 2023, Statistics Canada reported core public infrastructure in Canada, excluding hospitals, schools, courthouses and affordable housing, had a total replacement value of $2.1 trillion at the end of 2020. Municipalities owned 61.7% of that total estimated replacement value — $1.328 trillion!

With aging infrastructure, growing populations, and the need to balance operating budgets and manage debt levels in a post-pandemic world, Canadian municipalities are faced with complex, difficult decisions.

With more than 50 municipal P3s conducted to date, there is a proven track record in delivering successful municipal assets and services across the country.

The Council's new Municipal Engagement Advisory Group is providing advice to develop a new municipal strategy to raise awareness of P3s to support infrastructure development, asset management & build a project pipeline.

Next Generation Talent

Apply for the Next Generation Talent Program

Each year, CCPPP awards up to 12 talented post-secondary students from across Canada the opportunity to attend its Annual Conference in Toronto. This is the place for you to find contacts & investigate career opportunities.

Next Generation Talent student delegates participate in a pre-conference orientation session and attend keynote speeches and provocative panel discussions on challenges and opportunities in the field of P3s from notable leaders. Conference ticket and on-site meals are covered by the Council for you to attend.